Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. Sticking with last month’s theme, summertime is all about the young people of MTP. However, I believe our primary goal should be to maintain our focus on Jesus and not just on the fun things. All throughout...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. Well, summer is officially upon us and at Mt. Pleasant that’s means one thing; tons of activities for kids of all ages! Our events calendar is packed full so get the young ones in your family connected...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. As always, God is doing extraordinary things in and through Mt. Pleasant. We are so excited over the announcement of an additional Sunday morning service coming up this Fall and we hope you are as well. Pray...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. We had a great turnout for our “Lunch With the Pastors”. We are excited about where God is leading our church and how He continues to add to the congregation of Mt. Pleasant. As we draw near...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. He is risen! He is risen indeed! I pray that the celebrations of the Easter season serve as a reminder and a time of reflection of the love and sacrifice that Christ poured out for ALL of...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. Well here we are, rolling into March already and that means it’s time for “Light Up the Night”! This event has become one of our biggest outreach events of the year and it is such a huge...

Greetings Mt. Pleasant Church from your Elder team. As we embark on a new year and in light of Pastor Chris’s new sermon series, my prayer is that collectively, as a body of believers, we focus on standing firm in our faith and proclaiming what...

Blessings to all our Mt. Pleasant brothers and sisters in Christ from your elder team. It is a new year and we pray that 2024 is a great one for you and your family. It was awesome to see a packed house for the Christmas...

Blessings to all our Mt. Pleasant brothers and sisters in Christ from your elder team. I hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving Week! There are many ups and downs, hills and valleys in life, but the Bible reminds us to be thankful through it...

Blessings to all our Mt. Pleasant brothers and sisters in Christ from your elder team. We are very happy to announce our new Homeschool Co-op Director Lauren Rathbone! The Administrative Council voted on Thursday, October 19th to hire Mrs. Rathbone, based on the elder’s recommendation...