The Shepherd’s Staff – April 2022

The elders met twice in the past month to pray together, evaluate a small group resource, consider a movie night event, approve a new pickleball ministry, and prepare for our upcoming small group leader training.


The new dates and times for the small group leadership training are Sunday, April 24th at 11:00am and Sunday, May 1 at 12:00pm. These times will give the leaders a chance to finish their classes and join us immediately following. Our hope is that all adult class leaders will attend at least one of these sessions as we strive to provide: insight on elder support, resource considerations, leader responsibilities, and fulfilling our church’s mission and vision in our small groups.


The elders are also beginning a study of an Alexander Strauch book entitled Acts 20: Fierce Wolves are Coming; Guard the Flock. The goal is to consider the challenge that Paul laid out to the Ephesian elders to stand firm in leading and protecting the early church. Strauch’s take on the importance of Acts 20:

Paul’s message, recorded by Luke two thousand years ago, is as relevant today as when it was first delivered. There is really nothing else in the New Testament comparable to this passage. It is the only place in the New Testament in which Paul directly speaks to the church’s elders, giving them their final marching orders. As Paul’s parting message, it has special importance and requires our full attention. (9)


Recognizing the importance of this charge from Paul has led us to want to study Acts 20 and cherish the charge laid out before us as the elders of Mt. Pleasant.

Please continue to be in prayer for our church family, our community, and your elders.

  • Bo Sink
  • Joe Hayworth
  • Eric Hilton
  • Steve Cranford
  • Kevin Logan
  • Jay Payne
  • Vince Brown
  • Daniel Rich
  • Jon Sloan



“Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:4

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